I take pictures. Lots of pictures. Whether it's visiting friends, going on a weekend adventure or just wandering around, I'm the one straggling behind barely keeping up with the group because I'm pointing my camera at all angles to make sure I'm getting all the good stuff. What can I say? I love looking back and remembering the good memories, so I want to make sure I've captured each and every joyous moment. Usually what happens next is I download all my pictures onto my laptop and store them on an external hard drive. They'll sit there for days, weeks and months and once a blue moon I'll decide to click through random dates to see which historic/epic moments I've forgotten about. Within a couple of seconds I'll chuckle to myself, "OH MAN...oh gosh!" "teehee hee, how embarassing!" "oh my gosh... I look horrible!" as I click through picture after picture. *click click...click-click-click*
Over the past few years, I've gotten quite fancy and purchased digital picture frames. They are really neat. If you don't have one yet, I highly, HIGHLY recommend looking into getting one or two or three for yourself. I
love how I can give a quick glance at the frame each time I walk by and see a new picture. It's a *surprise* every time. However, although I'm a huge gadget queen and super pro-digital frames, there is
something, just a little
something that is unsatisfying about them. It took me awhile to figure it out, but I think it has something to do with the fact that the framed photo is fleeting. It probably is my fault though because I upload hundreds of photos for each frame. Regardless, the frame is more like a mini monitor to me. The essence of having a unique and special frame for a genuine moment is lost.
So, here was my solution: Paint and design your own frame! It's super simple and a lot of fun, especially on a Saturday afternoon.
I picked up some plain wooden picture frames, paint and paint brushes from the local craft store. Then, get this... I painted the wooden frames with the paint and paint brushes I bought!

Out of all the picture frames I own, these are my absolute favorite. And no, it's not because I made them, but because they're unique and it gives my room a very homey kind of feel. I love it. Do you?